Most Popular Flowers For Funeral Arrangement

Flowers play an important role during a funeral. They act as a way of expressing grief and allow us to pay homage to those who have passed. Here are some of the species that are typically associated with funerals and why they are used. Lillies These are one of the most popular types of funeral flowers. In particular, it’s common for white varieties to be used. These are commonly known as a symbol of purity, innocence, and dignity. They can also be used to represent the wholesome nature of your loved one. Orchids These plants are typically given to the grieving family, to symbolize sympathy for their loss. These flowers are typically used as the centerpiece of a bouquet, because of their large, long-lasting blooms. You can choose orchids in a range of colors. However, it’s often best to get something that will be white. Avoid bright colors, to suit the solemn nature of the funeral. If you have questions about what colors are appropriate, you can consult with funeral directors Albu...